Tuesday, December 23, 2014


The Giver is a very interesting book. On the last few chapters this has happened...

Jonas society is a very horrible place to live in. There isn´t love, pain or pleasure; the society that Jonas lives in took away all those things that make life wonderful and exiting. Life there is boring, so ordinary.

"But they don't want change. Life here is so orderly, so predictable-so painless. It's what they've chosen." Chapter 13, pg. 103

The society decided that for some reason life would be good, unlike the world before. But all that decision did was hide humans from the truth and force them in a way, to live as "they" wanted. 

As the quote explained, the society does not want any change and I believe that it´s wrong to make that decision for people. For example, on our society we depend on the government to take care of important decisions; and just like in Jonas ´society in which they took wrong decisions for the people that live there. I think that it is harsh and corruptive to take decisions for someone else and even more if the decisions have to do with sacrificing one´s abilities (like sight in the society).

Overall, Jonas´ society needs to change; change is good no matter what the government says.

In the next few chapters I think that Jonas will fall in love with Fiona because what we saw last is that he did not take his stirrings pill. I can infer he wants to feel and experience, that is why he looked at the options he had. Now, Jonas will start lying more and more. This lying will change his attitude temporarily; soon he will realize why feelings were taken away. I really want to know what will happen next!

Works Cited

"The Giver Movie Review." Fat Movie Guy. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2014.                                                            <http://www.fatmovieguy.com/review/the-giver-movie-review/>.
"Twisted - Season 1: Episode 2 | Clip: Busted!" YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2014.                              <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb1HPGM2ByM>.
"What Do You Love?" What Do You Love? N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2014.                                                          <http://www.wdyl.com/#love>.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


After Jonas got his assignment and was leaving the auditorium he didn't feel quite the same, nothing was the same and people treated him differently. Like they didn't know if it was something that needed to congratulate him or feel bad for him. The chief elder, his mother and so far everyone think the assignment is great HONOR, but why if Jonas will suffer and become apart from society. For example, after he rode his bike towards the Annex center -where he would have to go everyday after school- he noticed that the receptionist stood up to welcome him (something he had never felt before that someone would receive him when he entered the room.) On the chapters we know that everyone got a file of simple rules and/or instructions to follow: the one Jonas had was special, not because it was a lot smaller than the other pages but because he would not receive recreation time, he couldnt apply for release, he couldnt receive medication unless he had illness or injury, he was not allowed in the dream-telling ceremony. The ones that most disturbed him were:
You may ask any question
You cant talk about your training with others
And most of all: You may lie.

Honor, not power.
Click here to watch the chapter 12 audiobook!

He talked about the rules further in the chapters with the giver, the giver is the man who transmits the memories of the WORLD BEFORE, he gives him knowledge that others cannot take in because of his special abilities. We also learn that before Jonas the elders chose another receiver but because of the giver the transmissions failed and because of this Jonas can ask any question without appologizing because "it wastes time" that got me thinking why isnt there any time. Then we learn that the community cannot see colors but Jonas is starting to do so and the giver can see all of them now, Jonas thought at first that it is unfair not to have the ability to see colors but then came to the conclusion that seing colors give you choices and people can make the wrong choices.

On the story fiona and jonas were walking to training and had a discution that I founded strange

"I really think I'll like it better than school," Fiona confessed.
"Me too," Jonas agreed, wheeling his bike into its place.

On this quote my mind stopped for a while because I know that Jonas will suffer the memories of the world before. I can infer that the world before is us and how will Jonas feel when he finds out about war, murder or any other sad thing. Why would he say he will like pain more than school where all your friends are. But after analizing the text I think that Jonas likes in a way to experience something other than sameness. Jonas might feel that pain isnt the only thing that he will feel on that room full of surprises. Overall, I know that Jonas is very exited to keep learning about a world that failed for some reason.

On the next chapters I think that Jonas will love learning too much and he will encounter a new memory that has too much suffering and he wont be able to control this emotions. I can tell because The Giver failed and he might fail again. Also, Jonas is doesnt handle his emotions very good and I think this will affect him most of all.

These last chapters were very interesting and I look foward to see what will happen next. In brief, Jonas story can go in many ways and now the story is talking more deeply about topics such as choice and it is very interesting.

It is hard to understand chapter twelve so here is an audiobook that will read you the chapters with a clearer voice.
Click here!
                                                          Works Cited
"Honor | Center for Honor, Leadership, and Service." Center for Honor Leadership and Service. N.p., 22 Feb. 2013. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <http://students.umw.edu/chls/honor/honor-2/>.

"7 Choices That Calm Mums Make Consistently." Reboot Your Life. N.p., 26 Mar. 2013. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. <https://www.julia-harris.com/choices-that-calm-mums-make-consistently/>.

"The Giver Chapter 12 Read Aloud by Mr Koch." YouTube. Web. 18 Dec. 2014. <https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-hDnFsQ3omY>.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Pain and Real Joy

The Giver is one of the most interesting books I have read. On the last few chapters (6-8) many important things have happened. Now is the time of the ceremony of twelve, everyone is very excited and nervous too. Gabriel was almost released but father talked to the elders and they marked him uncertain, this means that Gabriel will have another year to grow and become a member of the society or be released. Meanwhile, Lily got her new coat that has buttons on the front and Asher, got his assignment as the Assistant Director of Recreation. Everyone got their assignments except for Jonas, the chief elder skipped him but after all the 12 got their assignment she spoke to the community and told them that Jonas was selected  to be the new receiver of memories.

Just like Jonas’ society the movie Divergent is also oppressive and doesn´t let people have their own feelings. Somehow the government manages to make them all act the same way like on the quote they all said at the same time "we accept your apology." On the trailer you can see that they categorize the society in different groups which are considered "assignments" on Jonas' society. For example, dauntless (Trish group) are the army, some people were in charge of giving food to the ones that didn't have anything left, others were in charge of producing food, others were in charge of the law, etc. On Jonas' society they also had groups were they helped the society grow. 

Divergent is also similar because Trish was different, she didn't know where to go, choose dauntless, or any other group because she didn't fit. Jonas didn't know where to go either because just like Trish he is different. For some reason Jonas doesn't belong to any group so they selected him to become the new receiver of memories. 
Divergent seemed as a nice and well organized society but when you look in closely it isn't nice at all. This happens on "The Giver" because at first everyone is happy but then you can see that people are like robots, without choice and all manipulated to act the same way. 

In conclusion, this very interesting book isn´t even halfway to the story and it manages to give suspense while answering many questions the reader has. I admire the author for that and because he presented that a perfect society can only be achieved by taking people´s freedom away. This government is always watching the people to determine where they should live and who they should marry. This organized and oppressive government forces the community to think they are happy since the community doesn´t know what pain and real joy is.

Works Cited
"Le, Dedo Índice, Señalando, Dedo - Imagen Gratis En Pixabay." Vector Gratis:. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2014. <http://pixabay.com/es/le-dedo-%C3%ADndice-se%C3%B1alando-dedo-mano-151415/>.

"Literary Marie's Precision Reviews: Series Sunday: Divergent." Literary Marie's Precision Reviews: Series Sunday: Divergent. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. <http://www.literarymarie.com/2014/03/series-sunday-divergent.html>.

"Everything Divergent!!!!" Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. <http://www.pinterest.com/candylover2285/everything-divergent/>.

"Fan Art Friday!" - DIVERGENT Fansite. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. <http://www.divergentfans.com/profiles/blogs/fan-art-friday-1>.

Thursday, November 27, 2014



Now I began reading "The Giver" by Lois Lowry from chapter 1-4.Just like Jonas on page 3 when the narrator says " He searched for the right word to describe his own feeling. Jonas was careful about language." I too, looked for the right word of what I felt reading the book and I came up with nonsense. This is what happened: Jonas is part of the family unit that Lily his sister, mother and father are part of. Father works as a nurturer and mother on law. Lily just turned an eight and lost her comfort object but was given her bicycle and her volunteering hours. While Lily got her volunteering hours Jonas will loose his and he was given a newchild. Jonas is a very interesting character because many odd things have happened to him like the time he was playing catch with his friend Asher and tossing a ball he noticed it changed. All in all, I think that this society has rules that seem to have changed the world completely and not at all common in this society we have. That is why I can call the society nonsensical. 
Another thing that impressed me was that on this society everyone follows the rules and most of the little ones. All except for Lily. 

"Oh, look!" Lily squealed in delight.
 "Isn´t he cute? Look how tiny he is! And he has funny eyes like yours, Jonas!" Jonas glared at her. He didn´t like it that she had mentioned his eyes. He waited for his father to chastise Lily.

Page 20. On the top.

This was not an important rule to follow. In fact, it wasn´t even a rule but it was rude to point out differences of a member of the community. Lily also didn´t have her ribbons tied the way they should be. On page 22-23, the narrator explains that there was an announcement that said that girls under 9 should have their ribbons tied up nicely. Even though the speaker did not mention a name the community knew it was intended for Lily who had her ribbon loose and wrongly tied. I think that Lily should try to be different because the story, just like on the Truman Show, seem like robots and you can see how people truly are, that hidden human side, shows throughout the book. I find those characters brave and true to themselves because being equal does not take you anywhere, is the uniqueness of each person that pushes you to where you should go, your own path.

I am eager to read more about Jonas' society and if there will be outstanding character such as Lily. I think that the eyes Jonas and his "son" are relevant because in page 24 Jonas says that when he was playing catch with Asher he saw the apple changed it´s shade. Based on what I could read I think that the society only sees shades of one color, for instance black. But people with light colored eyes sometimes can see other colors. That is what changed. The Giver is becoming a very interesting book that can give you insight to what a society with people with values (at least the most values generally than the general values and morals people around our world have) and tries to communicate that it might not be as good, something is different about people, maybe they forgot what people really are and turned into robots. 

works cited

"BE YOURSELF Photo: Be Yourself!" Be Yourself! N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2014.    


"Straight from the Heart." Straight from the Heart. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2014. 


 "LoveThisPic." LoveThisPic. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2014.


 "MDS Interviews: What Does "Sock,Bed,Blue" Mean to You?" MDS Interviews: 

              What Does "Sock,Bed,Blue" Mean to You? N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2014. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

first post

Daniela Viteri
Kodi Kelly
From the book "The Giver"
I haven´t really read The Giver. All  I have done is look at the outside of the book and a very interesting quote that said “For all the children to whom we entrust the future.” There is only one perspective I see on the quote, no room for interpretation. What Lois Lowry meant by this, in my opinion, is that the book is dedicated to all the children, the children who will be in charge of the future after that generation is gone. The children who will have life as we know it on their hands, what the world may become depends on the decisions we, the children take when we are older.
After reading the summary found on the back of the book many questions come to mind. What I can infer about the little information I know about the book is that on the future, the world will have no flaws. Everything controlled in a way that the world doesn’t feel what humans usually do, pain and joy. But there is always this character who is different, who is able to notice something is wrong. In this case Jonas is the character who notices that life isn’t really perfect at all. He will find that there is only one man who really knows what living a life full of purposes, sadness, love and happiness really is. This man is known as The Giver and he lives hidden of the new government that changed life as it was. I think Jonas will find this man and the giver will tell him everything he could probably say except for the answer Jonas went looking for because the new government will interfere. Making The Giver disappear forever.
The book seems interesting at first. However, I don’t think it would be worth reading because the plot is very good but the development of how the story will really be does not look very clear or interesting. Nevertheless, I will still read it with an open mind because books can always have an element of surprise.

"Bruce Lee – Sameness | Physical Culturist." Physical Culturist. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. <http://physicalculturist.ca/bruce-lee-sameness/>.